steam railway travel Stock Photos and Images : Only Creative

Illustration depicting an exhausted young countrywoman on her train journey from her job in town back home. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a young wife seeing her husband on to his train. Illustrated by Edward Hughes (1832-1908) a British artist. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a navvy. Railway navvies were sent out to the Crimea to build a railway and to help with digging trenches. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a train travelling through American Canyon on the Union Pacific Railroad. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a navvy. Railway navvies were sent out to the Crimea to build a railway and to help with digging trenches. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a camp for 'navvies' - the workmen being served oatmeal and water. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting 'navvies' camping in a waiting room. Dated 19th century
Engraving depicting a mail train on which letters were sorted while it travelled through the night between cities. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a girl and her dog in a railway carriage: ticket collector asking for her dog's ticket. Dated 19th century
Illustration depicting a navvy. Railway navvies were sent out to the Crimea to build a railway and to help with digging trenches. Dated 19th century

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